Magento 2 Module i18n CSV File Translator Using Google Translate API

Have a Magento 2 module that you want to translate to another language? Try out our Magento 2 CSV language file translator for Google Translate. The source code is over at github:

To use this app, first run in command line in the directory you clone the repo to:

composer install

This will install with composer to the 2 libraries Google Translate PHP API and Twitter Bootstrap. After that, edit the env.sample.php file and put in your Google Translate API developer api key (from which should have the Translate API enabled) and rename it to env.php

Now that is all that you should need. Choose your Magento 2 CSV file you want to translate, the language you want to translate to, and click the submit button. Typically the CSV files are in a folder like app/code/company/module/i18n/en_US.csv so you would upload this file. After upload, the processed file will be stored in the i18n folder, you’ll want to move this file to your app/code/company/module/i18n folder.


CSV File before:


CSV File generated by translator:


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