New Feature Available – Store Hours by Date & Exclude From Price

We are happy to announce two new features available:

Store Hours By Day

You can now enter in rentals > config > store hours store hours by day. If you just enter in store hours general open / close time, any days that are not filled in specifically will use that time.


Exclude Disabled Days Or Excluded Days From Price, Calendar, Or Both

Previously the disabled days and excluded days (holidays) meant that the calendar would not show those days to pick from, but the customer would still be charged for them. We now have settings that allow you to set disabled days to be excluded from calendar, price, or both under rentals > settings > store hours & closed / holidays


The same goes for excluded days, you will find this under the same area rentals > settings > store hours & closed / holidays


We will be closed January 4 - March 11, 2024. You can still order but for any installs or support tickets please expect a delayed response

Out of Office


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