Magento 2 Setup Guide To Fix MD5 and API

This is to help you make work in Magento 2.1.7. Though it is not clear, Magento 2 forces you to use md5 hash, and this hash has to be 10 characters (tried a longer one and it will give a random error). Also, you need to enable the Transaction Details API

To set this up properly:

  1. Go here: type in any string and copy the first 10 characters of the generated hash
  2. At go to Account > Settings > Security Settings > MD5-Hash and paste the generated has in the 2 inputs
  3. Go to your Magento 2 admin panel and paste the md5 hash in the settings
  4. To enable the transaction details api go to the account >Security Settings > Transaction Details API and enable it, you will need to verify your security question to do so. This is to resolve the error: “Access denied. You do not have permissions to call the Transaction Details API”
  5. Clear your Magento 2 cache

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