Useful Rental System Software Expansion Modules & Extensions for Magento

Here we will list some of the most popular modules that can be used to expand your rental software store. The first 2 modules are developed by Sales Igniter. The others are provided by third party Magento extension developers, but these extensions can be used in combination with our rental module. Please note that if you purchase these modules your support would not be provided by us, but rather the company that you purchase it from.

1. Sales Igniter Request for Quote Module
What does it do?

Allows you to have customers add products to a quote, send you the quote, and in the admin you edit the pricing and them the pricing. You can optionally show or hide the rental pricing from your store.

Why we like it

Very useful for rental stores that want to negotiate prices and hide prices from competitors.

2. Sales Igniter Google Maps Truck Routing
What does it do?

Manages your delivery trucks in an efficient way using Google Maps to group orders in similar locations together.

Why we like it

Very useful for saving gas, and driving time.

3. Fooman Xero Accounting Software Integration
What does it do?

Integrates your invoices with Xero accounting Software.

Why we like it

Xero is a lot less expensive to use than Quickbooks. You are looking at around $20 a month for the connector, and $30/month for Xero vs. Quickbooks the connectors are usually $50/month + and Quickbooks itself is $27/month. Fooman has done a good job building this connector and keeping it simple.

Fooman was kind enough to add into the invoice reference field the rental start and end dates, so it is customized to be compatible with our rental module.



4. Fooman PDF Customizer
What does it do?

Allows easy customization of order invoice pdfs, packing list pdfs as well as adding product images to these pdfs.

Why we like it

Many clients want to customize their PDFs to add things like rental contract information, pictures, signing area, etc. This module makes that easy. Also the TCPDF library used makes it easier to customize these templates using HTML and the pdfs themselves are much smaller in size then the default Magento PDFs.

Fooman has been kind enough to add to the pdfs the rental start and end dates, so it is fully compatible with our rental module.

5. Amasty Order Attributes
What does it do?

This module allows you to add any number of extra order information fields on checkout. These can be used to capture things like rental event details, hotel room number, business information, etc.

Why we like it

It is easy to use and not very expensive




6. Moogento Pickpack Packing List Pick Sheets
What does it do?

Processing orders with Magento – you know it’s a hassle to pick products off the warehouse shelves, and organize them for packing. Revolutionise this with Order-combined and Order-separated Picklists. Show a list of all items from every selected order, as PDFs or CSVs, with customisable attributes and sorting. Show shipping method to help prioritise expedited orders.

Why we like it

The picklist pdfs generated by this module are very useful and even have scannable barcodes for skus. Our clients have found this module very useful to speed up their inventory packing time.




7. Fishpig WordPress Integration Module
What does it do?

Fishpig WordPress module allows you to quickly make your WordPress site use your Magento design template. It also integrates the admin of Magento with WordPress meaning you can quickly login to the WordPress admin from Magento.

Why we like it

If you are going to do more than a few content pages on your site, you’ll quickly see that the CMS editor in Magento is not really adequate. WordPress does an amazing job for SEO, so it’s best to run a WordPress blog along with your Magento site. The 2 sites to your customers will look identical, so it keeps your brand identity intact.

8. Aheadworks Help Desk Ultimate (CRM)
What does it do?

Adds an integrated ticketing help desk system to your store.

Why we like it

The price is good, and makes it so you don’t have to rely on a third party CRM helpdesk. If needed, the system can be customized, but it already has most of the features needed.



9. Aheadworks Email Follow-Up
What does it do?

Sends follow-up emails based on certain criteria and adds email tracking, email logging,

Why we like it

Very useful for handling email communication and customer service with your clients.

10. Aheadworks Social Logins
What does it do?

Allows customers to login via Facebook, LinkedIn, Amazon, Google+, or Twitter

Why we like it

Saving customers time on registering for your store will increase your sales turnover.

11. Aheadworks Social Sharing
What does it do?

Allows your customers to share your website and products via Pinterest, Twitter, Myspace, Facebook, LinkedIn, Digg, Google Buzz, Google Bookmarks, Google+, Mixx, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Newsvine, Slashdot, Diigo, Yahoo Bookmarks,

Why we like it

Is easy to configure, and does not rely on third party social sharing like add this which add load time to pages.

12. Partial Payment / Reserve Rental With Deposit

What does it do?

These modules will allow your customers to pay part of an order, and pay the rest later. This is a common feature request we get for our reservation system. We at one time developed our own, but it was too hard to maintain with all the payment methods and the difficulty in getting them to work with partial payments, so we now refer to these 2 module options below.

Available Modules:

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