
Version 1.4 of Sales Igniter Rental Booking Software Has Released!

This is a huge release! Has some highly requested features in it such as Rental Contract signing & PDFs, iCal calendar exports, and Fixed Rental Dates & Times great for tour companies. [button color=”accent-color” hover_text_color_override=”#fff” size=”medium” url=”https://rentalbookingsoftware.com/docs/version-1-4/” text=”Version 1.4 Release Features” color_override=””]

Adding iCalendar or ics export to fullcalendar

In Version 1.4 we have added an export to iCalendar format for our rental calendars in the admin. There is a great script here: https://github.com/nwcell/ics.js that makes it easy to add ics export from fullcalendar, or whatever calendar system you are using. Here is some quick sample code: