Installing Third Party Extensions

In Magento 2 there are basically 2 ways to install extensions:

  1. Via the Magento Marketplace
  2. Using Composer

Our rental booking extension for Magento 2 uses the Composer method. Composer is a PHP dependency manager that is built-in to Magento 2.

Installing Via The Magento Marketplace #

To install extensions via this method you go here: and find and purchase the extension you want. To use this method you will need to have an authentication key for your Magento install as described here. After a purchase is made, you go to admin > System > Web Setup Wizard > component manager. From here you click “sync” to get your new purchases, and then the “install” button under the new purchases.

Installing Extensions Via Composer #

First you will need to have access to SSH / Command Line on your server. Next you will need to install composer please note that composer can be installed like this, or it can use a composer.phar file. To see if composer install worked, type this command:

composer about

and it says no command composer found, you can download the composer.phar file from “Manual Download” location on the same installer page. If you use this method, then instead of the command composer, you use:

php composer.phar about

Generally the composer install method is that you type the composer commands, and then a few Magento commands. The Magento ones are (please note don’t actually put the // that is to indicate start of comment):

php bin/magento module:enable  // after module:enable put the name of the module
php bin/magento setup:upgrade  // upgrades the db
php bin/magento cache:flush // flush the cache
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy  // deploys static files

Install Inchoo Stripe Payment Module Using Composer #

On the Inchoo Stripe Payment module page you will find the composer installation instructions. They are:

composer config repositories.inchoostripe git
composer require inchoo/stripe:dev-master

Then you will see their Magento commands:

php bin/magento module:enable Inchoo_Stripe --clear-static-content
php bin/magento setup:upgrade

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