Uninstall or Disable

Disable #

Note: Backup your database before running any of these commands

1) Make sure you have removed any Rental Calendar widgets in admin > content > widgets if you have added them

2) Because the rental module adds custom product attributes for rental products the custom models that these attributes use will need to be disabled too in the database. Run the below command to do so. Otherwise you may get errors on the product page or admin product edit pages because it’s trying to use models that have been disabled. Don’t worry the rental product data will still be saved.

php bin/magento salesigniter:Remove:Attributes

3) Run the following command:

php bin/magento module:disable SalesIgniter_Rental SalesIgniter_Common

If you also have pro modules you can disable them like:

php bin/magento module:disable SalesIgniter_RentalContract SalesIgniter_Maintenance

4) Run:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Re-Enable After Disabling #

1) Run the following command:

php bin/magento module:enable SalesIgniter_Rental SalesIgniter_Common

2) If you removed the product attribute models in the above steps re-enable them with:

php bin/magento salesigniter:Restore:Attributes

3) Run:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Uninstall #

Note: Backup your database before running any of these commands

1) Make sure you have removed any Rental Calendar widgets in admin > content > widgets if you have added them

2) CAUTION (optional) If you want to completely remove all signs of the rental module from the database you can run the below command, be CAREFUL this will remove all rental product attributes, reservation history, inventory information, etc. It is not really necessary to do this we recommend NOT if you are ever thinking of re-installing it and may need this data:

php bin/magento salesigniter:Uninstall

3) Run the following command:

php bin/magento module:disable SalesIgniter_Rental SalesIgniter_Common

If you also have pro modules you can disable them like:

php bin/magento module:disable SalesIgniter_RentalContract SalesIgniter_Maintenance

4) Remove the files using composer using this command:

composer remove salesigniter/releaserental2 salesigniter/releasecommon2

For the pro modules:

composer remove salesigniter/releaserentalcontract2 salesigniter/releasemaintenance2

5) Run:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

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