Utilization Report

Product Utilization Reports can be found in Rentals > Reports > Utilization Report.

First you will want to create a new report. Click “Create Utilization Report”.

On the form you will be presented with the utilization report start and end date. So say you want to calculate product utilization for the last year, change the start date to 1 year ago. The End Date can be today.

After you create the report you will see the report with the status “created”. The report needs to be calculated using the Magento 2 CRON jobs, please make sure your CRON job is set to run. The reason it can’t be run through the web browser is it would timeout for larger sites. You can manually run your cron job in Magento 2 SSH / Command Line using the command: bin/magento cron:run

While the CRON job is running the status will change to “running” and then after that “ready”. After the utilization report finishes you can click “view” to view the report. It will look something like this:

Notice that if you use serial numbers each serial number will show separately as far as the utilization percentage and data. The place where the product name appears without the serial number is the combined utilization for that product for all stock. The Date Available refers to when that product was created or acquired (if a serial number). This is taken into context if your utilization report start date was before your product was created or acquired and you are using the setting below.

Utilization Report Settings #

There is one report setting to take into account in Rentals > Settings > Utilization Report. It is “Calculate Utilization Percentage” as is described there, usually it’s best to use the Product Creation Date for more accurate utilization percentages.


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