Turnover Time #
Turnover Time is the time that it takes to turnover your product for the next rental. There are separate settings for the turnover time before, and the turnover time after.
Let’s take an example. You want to allow 2 days before the rental start date to get the product ready and delivered customer, and 1 day after to allow the product to be cleaned. So under rentals > settings > turnover times you set 2 days before, and 1 day after. Say today is January 1, the product has 1 inventory, and you have a reservation for January 3 – 5. When a customer goes to the product page to reserve, they will not be able to reserve this product until January 7.
Turnover times are not counted as part of the rental price calculation.
Padding Days #
Padding days is similar to turnover time, except it is a time period buffer from today’s date that people can not rent a product. This time period is NOT added as a buffer to every reservation like turnover time is. So day you want to not allow reservations within 2 days of today’s date because you need more time for order preparation. You could set padding days to 2.