Released September 22, 2015 #

  • Rental contract PDF generator – Customers can sign your rental contract online with no hassle of using a third party PDF signing service. Easy to use textareas in admin to put in your rental terms and fill in customer data with variables
  • Fixed rental dates and times – useful feature for tour companies. This means you can create a group of fixed rental dates in the admin that repeats daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. Then you can assign these fixed rental dates to a product. Now your customers are not allowed to choose any rental date they want, only the pre-set ones that you assign.
  • Ical (ics) export for rentals by start / end date or by order – easily export your rentals to Google calendar or other third parties
  • Damage Waiver / Insurance Improvements – now it is possible to set global damage waiver for all products by fixed amount or % of rental price. You can also now add damage waiver to orders from the admin panel.
  • Security Deposit Improvements – the deposit can now be set globally as a fixed amount or via percentage. Before you could only set this by product as a fixed amount.
  • Product serials on manage products grid – you can now set in rentals > settings > admin product grid to show product serials on the manage products grid. You can click on a serial number to be taken to the reservation report for that inventory item.
  • Admin custom shipping rates (Pro & Ultimate) – Allows admin to put a custom shipping rate title & price on orders created through the admin panel. Great for sites where shipping rates are quoted. This module also works well with our Request for Quote module meaning a customer can request a quote from you, you quote the price & shipping, and then customer can add the quote to their shopping cart and checkout.
  • More Flexible & Powerful Dates Excluded – days of week and excluded dates (store closed) can now be excluded from your turnover times, the calendar, or both. Before it was only excluded from the calendar.
  • Max Days In Future Product Can Be Rented – Ability to set maximum date in the future that a product can be rented. For example set that a product can not be rented more then 90 days in the future.
  • Partial Returns – the admin return page used to only allow returning the full rental quantity. Now you can partially return an order for example if you checked out 5 quantity of an item, then got 2 returned, you can record this in the admin return page, then return the other 3 later.
  • Cleaner & Easier To Read Calendar Code – Rewrote Calendar JS to be easier to customize and separate out JS and PHP for better readability
  • Ability to set minimum rental quantity
  • Ability to show calendar by default without clicking in the rental start date input field first
  • Better error message when trying to rent more than max quantity available on configurable products
  • When adding a rental item to cart that doesn’t have enough inventory, it will auto-adjust to add the max amount of inventory available and display a message about it
  • Better error messages on shopping cart when a reservation does not have enough inventory – the error message now specifies the products that don’t have enough inventory

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