Set Store Language (German, Spanish, Korean, etc.)?

How To Set Store Language #

Magento has most language packs pre-installed like German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Korean, Spanish, etc.

1)  Go to admin > system > general and change your store scope to the store view you want to show your language for.

Tip: If trying to have a English store and some other language, first under system > manage stores add a new store view for each language. Your main store view would be called English, then add one for each language.

2) Set under system > config > general > locale the language, make sure you have the proper store view configured from the top left drop down.

If Your Language Is Not Pre-Installed #

1) Go here: you can install the language via Magento Connect. Another option is to get the Connect Key and copy/paste it here: then you can untar/unzip it and upload it via FTP.

2) Go to system > config > general > locale and set the language.

For the remaining text used in our rental module: #

5) Copy app/locale/en_US/ITwebexperts_Payperrentals.csv to your language folder (like de_DE for German) and do the translations.

6) Datepicker languages are at js/itwebexperts_payperrentals/datepick/locale if yours is not there already, it can be added from

Date Picker Localization #

We have pre-installed most of the common languages to the date picker, and it will automatically use the language set for your store. These are stored in js/itwebexperts_payperrentals/datepick/locale the code that automatically sets the date picker language is in app/design/frontend/base/default/template/payperrentals/calendar/js_initialisations.phtml line 37

echo Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_JS) . ‘itwebexperts_payperrentals/datepick/locale/jquery.datepick-‘. $_langCode;?>.js”>

If you need to download another date picker language you can go to and the localisation tab and show all button under localisations.

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