Version 1.1 – 1.1.1

Table of Contents

Version 1.1 #

  • Send & Return overhaul for faster management – will all be done from Sales > Orders and be quicker to do. Click “Ship”  or “Return” and put in the quantity of each item you are shipping and returning. We will also be adding on new filters to this page for late shipments or late returns.
  • Improved error messages when there is not enough quantity or no price period is entered
  • Improve date selector alignment
  • Quick add by sku or product name on order creator on admin side
  • Improve minimum rental period error message so it only shows after clicking rent was issue for same day rentals
  • Major refactoring of code to make it load faster and be easier to extend
  • ROI Report (Profit and Revenue by Product): Enter product cost on edit product for calculations. Columns: Period, Product, Sku, Total Inventory, Total Inventory Cost, Monthly Revenue, Gross Profit / Loss
  • Most Rented Products Report: Product, Sku, Number of times rented, Amount of time rented, Total Inventory, Booked Inventory, Current Inventory, Revenue
  • Low Inventory Report: Product, Sku, Total Inventory, Booked Inventory, Current Inventory defaults to sorting by current inventory lowest to highest, so if you have 0 of some product you can quickly identify it.
  • Add search by SKU and Category filter to inventory report
  • Configurable Sales > Orders grid – control what is shown easily. (Using
  • Add to manage products columns: Available Inventory and Booked Inventory, change QTY to say Total Inventory
  • Better organization of settings
  • Site Wide Blackout/Holiday Dates – before was only able to set it by product
  • Global Dates feature to allow choosing rental dates globally instead of on the product page. Ability to chose placement of this date box on the top menu, shopping cart, left column, or right column. Settings in admin:

    Example of showing it on header:

    Dates on side column:

  • Add quantity input on product listing pages this can be turned off if not wanted via a setting
  • Add to rental > Rental Queue > Send / Return Report the columns: Date Added, Rentals Allowed, Rentals Out, Rentals Needed
  • Add Rental Queue report for Queue Popularity, has the columns: Product, Number in Customer Queue, Total Inventory, Checked Out Inventory, Available Inventory
  • Separate dropoff/pickup date from send/return date. This is so that the admin can double check on dropoff and pickup of inventory that all the products are there, and not assume so
  • Better time of day view on customer side so customer can see if renting within a day what times are available for busy and available times
  • All language defines moved to CSV language translate file, no longer hardcoded in the Observer
  • Rental pricing moved to pricing tab, rental inventory moved to inventory tab. Payperrentals tab renamed “Rental Bookings” for better organization

  • Fixed paypal issue with deposits now it can authorize & charge the rental fees, and authorize only the deposit

Version 1.1.1 #

  • Now works with Magento 1.8 Community Edition
  • Admin speed for order creation greatly improved


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