Install A Magento Extension from Magento Connect

On our hosting and some other hosting the Magento downloader has been disabled because of security issues. Here is the preferred method to install a Magento extension from Magento Connect:

  1. Copy the Magento connect key from the extension you want to install
  2. Paste the connect key to the input field on the website here:
  3. Download the extension, you can then upload it to your site public_html directory and untar / unzip it using cpanel > file manager. If you do not have cpanel file manager you can untar / unzip it on your computer and then upload it using FTP. Remember that the extension file structure should match your magento file structure (app folder goes to app folder, etc.).
  4. After this go to your magento admin panel > system > cache and flush the cache, then logoff and login to the magento admin panel to flush the access permissions.